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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Quick Flight

Did a quick flight this morning, 715 to 755.

It was really nice weather.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

I had the same problem as before, the engine won't start. After 15 minutes trying I decided to follow the troubleshooting procedure did on last Sunday by the fellow fliers:
1. Open the plug.
2. Close the HSN fully
3. Run the starter while closing the muffler (priming)
4. Make sure fuel is spraying out through the plug whole.
5. Put back the plug
6. Set the HSN to 1 turn
7. Run the starter

It works!!

Did a quick in-flight check. Landed, on idle for about 20 second. Looks like the engine is stable.

So took off again. I took this opportunity to try half-stall turn with about 45% angle.

Also at a few turn, I tried negative pitch, and the response is good.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

Landed at about 750, with half fuel left in header tank.


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