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Monday, December 29, 2008

2 tanks on 25-Dec

2008-12-25 Thursday

It is a holiday. Early morning I already prepared my Raven for the fly. Filled up the tank at home.

8am, reached Putra Heights new field.. this place is nearer and more convenient.

I am the second person reach there.

Without wasting my time to wait for others, I started the Raven's engine. Did one tank fly, doing my normal figure 8 maneuver. Also this time I beginning to familiarize myself with a "shallow stall turn", at about 45 to 60 degree.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

From Other Photographer

Landed, filled up the tank. Then I watched the others preparing their aircraft for flying.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

Then when my turn again, to fly, I continue to build up my confident with with my normal flying and the new maneuver "shallow stall turn".
I wondering when will I be confident enough to flip and invert the heli.. well not in this session.

Here is the you tube video of my second tank flying, captured and uploaded by warhark:

After I landed, I packed my stuffs and went back home for breakfast. That is about 930am.

I return back to the field at about 11am. Filled up the tank, ready for my third flight of the day.

HOWEVER, looks like I got the engine into hydro locked. So I flushed out the fuel in the engine by taking out the glow plug and running the starter.
After putting back the glow plug, I tried to start the engine again. This time it worse, I have broke the fan again!!

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

Ok, so the Raven is grounded till I replaced the fan.

Anyway it was a satisfying day of flying.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey


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