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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fixed And Very Nice Flight

[This entry is for my test flight on Saturday 9-May-2009]

I did quick test flight to make sure that the Torii still able to fly. He he he. Yes, it has been quite a while, 2 weeks I did not fly Torii and did not even start the engined. Monday will be a replacement holiday for my office, I planned to have another fly session in the morning. I have asked aerobrain to come along, to bring his sophisticated Nikon DSLR for the Monday session.

Earlier, 2 weeks ago, Torri had problem with broken vertical tail fin. I had enough of glue-and-broke-again routine, not too take any risk on this I decided to get new replacement part. Same goes to the glow plug heater. Friday afternoon, I took a quick dash to Kajang to get the replacement parts.

Here they are:

Saturday 12:10 noon (!). Yes it was already afternoon, nobody else at the field, still I continue with the session - alone.

I filled up half of the tank only. This time I planned to have a very quick flight, just to make sure there is no problem for Torii to fly.

When I tried to start the engine, my starter have difficulties to rotate the engine. I have to open the canopy, take out the glow plug, and clear the engine by running the starter while the glow plug opened.

After that, the engine can be started as normal. The engine still working fine, the new glow plug heater is great! It even show me the current glow heater battery charge level!!

I did lift off as normal, hover flight while checking the controls. Averything is just fine. I tried a few figure 8 flight, and then some half-stall turn. Still, I need to build up my confidence. It has been a while that I have not been flying the Remote Control Helicopter.

Session ended at about 12.45pm. Everything is just fine, no new issue discovered! Alhamdulillah.



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