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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Did 3 loops today!

Today, from the morning I have set my mind to try the loop maneuver.

Metal Fan Bearing Problem

I had my bearing problem fixed earlier. Alhamdulillah, lucky me that Cikgu V able to fix that easily by putting some bearing lubrication oil and some gentle knock.

Also, he has managed to get a starter shaft machined to fit this new metal fan. So this problem will not occur again, I hope.

Flying Time

I already able to do it confidently in Real Flight simulator, so there is nothing much to worry.

Reached Putra Heights Aircraft Field at about 9.15am. Today we are using old place, which have much bigger space.

I had about half tank of fuel already filled in. So I started the Raven engine. Starting the engine is much easier, the engine started right away.

Utilize the remaining fuel for in-flight check while hovering and a quick figure 8.

After that, landed the Raven, and fill up the tank. This is from new gallons, 5th gallons for this Raven.

Flew the Raven again do some figure 8, and practice stall turns as well. Now I am more confident in executing the normal 180 degree stall turns.

I had to confine my flying space to let other flyer flew their airplane.

Landed the Raven, with the confident I have, I am ok, and the Raven is ok, so I should continue with loop or even inverted hover!


The last time or actually the first time I tried the loop was at Puchong Putra Prima ( where I ended almost crash! Since then I have been checking the Raven, did lots of thinking and practicing in simulator.

Filled up the tank again and waited for the field to be clear. I don't want to have any complication when trying new maneuver.

Then, when the time came, I took off, did few stall turns.

Then I setup for my first loop.

I flew at a level flight about 100 feet above the ground from my left to right. Then I started to climb, keeping constant elevator the Raven climb and start to invert just before it is inverted I pull more negative pitch to have the feeling of negative pitch lift force. Yes, I can confirm that it is adequate for inverted hover. Then, continue to dive to level again and completed the loop. Yes it works!!

The second time I tried, with the same setup, from left to right, climb, inverted, dive, level to complete the loop, this time at a lower altitude, because I did not give enough negative lift before the dive.

Then I tried inverted hover. At quite same altitude (yes I need them to prepare for any mistake), let the Raven fly away with tail in, then start to climb and invert. I stay there for about 3 seconds and dive back. Yes, I was able to invert hover the Raven!

Ok still have about half tank of fuel, so I decided to have another loop.

Same setup, from left to right, climb, invert, suddenly

  • I hear the engine running at very high pitch
  • Oh what happened, is it come from my Raven or somewhere else?
  • Oh why Raven not really responding to my input, I need to initiate autorotation, but I am currently inverted!!
  • Yes, it must have come from my Raven, how do I reduce the engine speed??
  • I need to start dive and level it for autorotation
  • Yes it is diving, but o-o not enough height!
  • Boom, and silent, no engine sound anymore, it already crashed!

This is exactly where I found it after the crash.

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

And the damage looks very bad!

From Remote Control Helicopter - My Journey

Main suspect – Pressure tube to the muffler broken. See the above photo.


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