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Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Engine Is Not Stable!

In the last post (earlier in the morning), I have tested the Raven TR3703 hover ok. Everything looks good, but engine.

At the end of the test flight session the engine suddenly died (Saturday morning)!

Tried to rotate the crank shaft using the starter shaft, it is very hard, lots of force needed to just rotate it a little bit. Bring it back home. Later in the afternoon (same day), I spent some time try to trouble shoot.

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

Opened up the glow plug, and tried to rotate the shaft again, still very hard. Then I opened the head (with the heat sink). Now it can be rotated much easier, and I able to rotate it using my starter. I noticed quite lots of fuel came out from the cylinder. This could be the reason – hydro-lock.

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

Then, I put them back, tried to start the engine, and it started ok. Just let it running for about 10 sec and shut the engine down, since I did this right in front of my house, under the roof, I don't want to disturb my family inside!

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009
Later, I bring the Raven to in front of my house gate. Started the engine, then after I confident that the engine is ok, I started to bring it to hover. Just after about 5 seconds of hovering the engine died!! This time the crank shaft begins to be heavy again. I still managed to start the engine again, but this time it run for few seconds only, then it died. Hmmm.. looks like the running time is shorter and shorter.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

Ended the session with lots of thinking in my head, I may need to go and find a fresh new engine!!

I'll try again tomorrow (Sunday).


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