Raven – Re-learn from the beginning
Reached PHAF Field 2 at about 1015.
Mr. Lee is flying his Esky Belt CP helicopter. However this is not a normal Belt CP, his Belt CP is equipped with "Heli Command" device. It is an expensive and sophisticated device which can automatically stabilize the helicopter, like an auto pilot. With the device the helicopter is able to auto-hover, with only throttle input from the user.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009 |
(Helicopter 3, Engine 2, Gallon 2, Tank 3, Flight 1)
H3.E2.G2.T3.1 2009-02-15:1045 - PHAF Field 2
In-flight hover check ok.
Did forward flight at faster speed. Started to improve my figure 8 maneuvers.
I discovered the one tooth of the main gear is missing. That tooth has been damage since my bad crash previously and now it is completely flat.
Decided that I should be able to continue with the next flight. Filled up the tank again and ready for next flight.
Then mingled around with fellow fliers for a while, discussing and sharing RC information.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009 |
H3.E2.G2.T4.1 2009-02-15:1130 - PHAF Field 2
Did some more Figure 8 maneuvers. Now with more confident! I also did some semi-stall turns. The turns are okey, however not as smooth as what I targeted. I need to made many small corrections in the turns.
Probably next session I will be brave enough and confident enough to perform the proper stall turn.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009 |
Session ended at 1220pm.
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