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Monday, March 2, 2009

New Gear Test Flight

2009-03-02 Monday

Yes, the Century Raven TR3703 was ready for the test flight. I had completed the assembly and setup right at the sunset time on the day before.

Just need to make sure the Raven is fit to fly, I conducted these test flights.

FID: H3.E2.G2.T6.3 2009-03-02:0740
OGT: 0, Loc: PH, in front of my house.

Using the existing fuel from last week (tank no 6). Tried to start the engine. The engine is quite heavy to be cranked at first. It has been more than one week from my last flight/engine start. Recommendation from experience fliers, if engine will be rested for more than one week, it need to be cleaned with 'after run' oil, I did not put the engine, not expecting to have the major maintenance.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

I managed to start the engine, not that easy, but after few times of trying it started up ok.

Playing with the throttle, I noticed some unexpected sound weeking out form the helicopter. I suspect this is due to the fan touching the upper frame.

After about 1 minute, I decided to abort the take-off, better fix the problem first.

Bring it back home, take out my drill and make a bit of adjustment to the screw hole at the server tray. Looks like only one side need the adjustment.

FID: H3.E2.G2.T6.4 2009-03-02:0815
OGT: 3 minutes, Loc: PH, in front of my house.

Engine started easier this time.

Yes, no more weeking sound.

After looking left and right, I decided that it was safe for take off. (I don't recommend to fly nitro rc helicopter at housing area!!)

Lifted-off ok, all controls basically ok, however I fill the helicopter temp to go backward. Need to compasate that tendacy with forward control.

Brought it up to hover at chest level, where I checked the 'blade tracking'. Blade tracking is perfect! After few more minutes of hovering, the main tank is empty, it was continue to run from the header tank fuel.

I slowly brought it down for a safe landing.

One of the neighbor was looking at me from his house, probably he was mumbling about the inconsideration of me flying this helicopter early morning around the house, or, to think positively, probably he was very interested to join me flying remote control helicopter !

Anyway, the test flight result is : PASS

I just need to do some adjustment at the swatchplate/servo/linkage, so that it will not tempt to fly backward.


Jim @ March 6, 2009 at 3:06 AM  

I am thinking about asking for an RC helicopter as a gift for my next birthday. I think I would need a model that was fairly easy to use and maintain. They look very cool!

truemax March 6, 2009 at 10:10 AM  

Yes these Radio Controlled Helicopters are super cool!!

There are various types ranging from simple and easy to complex and realistic.

If you want a easy to use and maintain I would recommend an electric powered dual rotor unit.

Dual rotor unit will be very stable, will only take 1 or 2 days to familiarize and fly (compared to the one with tail rotor, can take about 2 weeks!)
You need to get at least 4 channels unit then only you can control it to move to any direction.
However, depending on your interest, I think that you skill will surpass the unit after 2 weeks and you will be looking at more advance one soon after that. :)

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