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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yes, The Raven Flew Nicely

From the last test flight, I have problem with the main blade weight which used to balanced the rotor blades. From that incident, had the vertical tail fin broken (again after I glued it).

Last Thursday, I have brought back 2 sets of new main rotor, 1 set is the normal wooden white color type and the other set is fiber reinforced main blade. All new blades are balanced from the factory, so I don't have to worry about the unbalanced blade anymore.

Here was the wooden blade before I glue and screw the handle.

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

I have (again) glued the broken vertical tail fin using epoxy glue.

Today, at about 10am. I brought the Raven to the Putra Heights field 1.

Have all the equipments ready. TR3703 ready for takeoff.

I has been almost 2 weeks from the last flight attempt. I was worried that it will be very difficult to start the engine or the engine will refuse to start totally.

However, starting the engine was not difficult at all. With firm connection of glow plug, the engine started right away.
From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

Lifted off the ground. Put into hover. Did in hover flight check, all controls seems to be ok. I am using only normal flight mode this time, not idle-up mode yet.

I pushed the throttle/pitch to the max, the engine scream and the Raven climb up. It is not as fast as I expected. I realized that I have reduced the max positive pith to +9 from original +11, to make the positive and negative pitch symmetry (+9 to -9). Got advice from a friend before (an experienced rc helicopter flier), I should put the pitch as symmetry so that it will be much easier to feel the control at both side, either up-right our up-side-down.

I keep the Raven hovering within 10 feet high, just incase of any problem it will be less impact to the ground. Everything just looks good. I continue with forward flight, to my right hand side. Suddeny I saw something dropped from the Raven. I was actually the broken part from the vertical tail fin. I did noticed that the part was not firm enough just before the take off. And just now during the flight, due to vibration, that part has dropped off.

Anyway, I continued to fly the Raven, brought it nearer to me, made it descend for landing. Huh, I have reducedback the throttle control too much and the decent rate was quit high, I pushed it up to stop the descend, but it was too late, the Raven hit the ground, a bit hard and bounced back to the air, luckily with no damage. What I afraid off is the tail rotor, no more protection since the vertical fin already fell off. I quickly bring the Raven to land and put the throttle to idle position.

Huh, what a day!

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

From Remote Control Helicopter - 2009

As you can see from the photo above, there is quite a mark on the ground just below the tail rotor, indicating that the tail rotor has touched the ground!!

I need to get this fix properly than only I am comfortable to fly the Raven again. I do not want to have a simple issue like this causing lots more problem.

Smile :)


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