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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

5th Tank

Yesterday after finished the 4th tank.. I refer back to page 20 of OS50 Hyper User Manual, it says that few flights should be enough for engine break-in. Checked with Cikgu V to confirm, he advice to complete one gallon since the we should not take any risk for this, and we want the engine to last long.

Actually, I have been waiting to change the throttle and pitch curve to a better one. Now I am flying with very slow RPM and high blade pitch - yes for the engine break-in. The response is terrible especially for acceding and descending. Well better safe than sorry.

This morning, I prepared The Raven as usual for flight. At 0745, started the engine, test flight for 30 second, land The Raven. Taking the advice from Cikgu V, I just adjusted the needle valve few clicks to leaner and fly again. While flying I checked the throttle level, at hovering I am only using 38% to 43% for the throttle. I have not check the pitch level, but I guess that will be a about 75% to 85%.

Finishing up the tank, this time I let the engine stopped while hovering.. at 2 feet, it gently descended to the grass as I push the throttle up to soften it - yup 2 feet autorotation. It touched down perfectly - I wish that I can do that all the time!

New knowledge/experience:
- Click clockwise - learner, anticlockwise richer
- Even after the engine stop, should try start the engine again to make sure all fuel has finished
- Don't forget to remove the glow heater
- Autoration is cool!!


Century Raven 50 SE Nitro Powered eCCPM RC Helicopter
OS50 Hyper White Wooden Blade
Spectrum DX7 with DS82154, Futaba GY401 with S9254 Servo
All Stock parts


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