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Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Solo Flight

Today at 0730 i have my first solo flight.

Early morning I already prepared all the equipment for the flight, loaded it into my car and bring it to the field near my house, it is a walking distance but I need my car battery for the starter motor.

After filling up the fuel tank, I started the engine, carried the heli to the middle of the field, spooled the rotor up and took off.. this time all by my self!!

This was the third thank for the heli, so I went easy.. well I just qualified for hover only anyway. :)
First flight, I took the heli quite high, bringing it down was a bit tricky since heli won't immediately stop from decending when I push the throttle back up - this is due to low rpm and high pitch setting in the radio - again for the engine-break-in session. Adjusted it a bit, then I was more comfortable.

After few take off, hover and landing, finished up a tank of fuel then I go back home with big smile :)

Too bad I don't have anybody helping me to take photo during the flight. I but have some after the landing.


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