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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Engine OK


Early morning, already booked Cikgu V time to trouble shoot the engine.

10am, started to troubleshoot.

Open up 4 pairs of screws to detach the upper frame from lower frame, then the fan is exposed. Open up the fan and clutch to check the condition, still ok.

Put them back.
The engine was stuck due to "hydro lock", i.e. to much fuel entered the engine. To solve this is quite simple, just take out the glow plug and disconnect the fuel line to carburetor and run the starter. The fuel in the engine will be blown out through the glow plug hole.

1300, engine able to run.


Quite long holiday for the Deepavali. Went back to wife's home town at Parit Pulai, Muar, Johor. About 200km, 2 hrs drive. Figured it is too much of hassle to bring along the Raven, I should take this opportunity to fix my HoneyBee King2. I just received the replacement part 2 days earlier, I ordered directly from web page.

It did not took me that long to replace the broken blade grip and the flybar bell link arm.

Next morning, I test fly it ok. Just minor issue with the main gear where it was already a bit damage from the previous crash. When I did push the throttle hard, it make the damage more severe and the gyro won't able to hold its tail anymore. Anyway the replacement of this main gear will be straight forward. And furthermore it is available in local store.


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