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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Raven's First Flight

At about 1130 MAL-8 today, Saturday 2008-10-11, The Raven TR3703 has left the ground for her first flight. It is a test flight by Cikgu V, for him to adjust the blade tracking, throttle curve and pitch curve.

This is the first thank of fuel, so the engine has not been complete with break-in yet. After a while when he satisfy with the aircraft, he handed over the control to me, using 'training' feature. We are using 2 Spectrum DX7 controller, one each, connected in Master Slave mode (if I am not mistaken).

My first take off is not pretty, immediately after 2 or 3 second of takeoff Cikgu V taken over the control and landed the aircraft.

My second one, was much better, I was able to have steady hover for about 30 seconds with my heart pounding and pounding. I landed it back successfully, then only I feel easy.

Then.. Cikgu V taken over the control again, but slight mistake have cost us a set of blade and spindle bar. I take about 1 hour for her to fly again.

This time I am on my own, it flew like a real bird, hovering, at about 2 feet, with multiple take off and landing at the same spot till the fuel completely finish. I let the fuel finish during the low altitude hovering, engine started to speed up a few second, then it suddenly stopped and quiet. I let the Raven dropped slowly to the ground, that is my first auto-rotation!!


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