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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Fly Raven Fly

0700 Morning

I already fill up the TR3703 tank last night. This morning I need to have a good fly to build up my confident. It is very cloudy, thank god that it is not raining so I have the opportunity to fly the Raven.

Arrived at the field just to find that I left my glow heater at home. Quickly return to take the glow heater.

From RC Helicopter - My Journey

I started the engine without any problem. So for this flight:

  1. Start with hovering check ok, from the last hard landing by Fendi. This is the proper hovering to check all the controls functions.
  2. Familiarizing myself with idle-up switch.
  3. Familiarizing with the current setup
    1. throttle curve setup (65% at point 3) and
    2. expo setup for idle-up (25%)
  4. Build up confident with figure 8 maneuver. After few figure 8, I feel more comfortable and confident.

At the end of the session I landed with very low tank capacity, less than ¼ of the header tank. Next time I need to remind myself not to take such risk.

From RC Helicopter - My Journey

0745 Pack to return home. Started to rain lightly, just on time.

From RC Helicopter - My Journey


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