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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ready for Take Off


After taking closer look, here are the impact from the crash:
1. Broken horizontal fin
2. Bent and dented tail boom
3. Bent spindle bar
4. Some scratches on the main blade

Alhamdulillah.. TR3703 has been fixed.

Few gadgets has been put in since I bought the Raven. They are:
1. Air filter
2. Input fuel line & filter
3. Extended glow heater connection
4. Battery volt indicator

And recently added with the fix:
5. Header tank - with another fuel filter
6. 3d Paddles - changed because there was bad crack on the original paddle.

Spent some time last night to fine tune the Raven
1. Put back the volt indicator - remove when installing header tank, need to put it at new location
2. Readjust throttle curve to lower head speed.

So.. TR3703 ready for take off.


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